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Endt on comm of C.O. Doad.
414. Penna Ave

M2Vol 30 O.L.S. 901


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Office Local Supt D.C.
Washington June 12" '67

Resp'y forwarded for the information of the Ass't Comr. D.C.

JVW Vandenburgh
Act'g Local Supt. D.C.

[[left margin]]
Endt on com of Wm. D. Couch

M2Vol 31 O.L.S. 902
EB2Vol 19. 902
[[/left margin]]

Bureau R.F. and AL.
Hd. Qrs. Ass't Comr. D.C.
Washington June 11" '67

Respectfully referred to J.V.W. Vandenburgh Act'g Local Supt. D.C. for such information as he may be able to obtain of this woman and report.

By Order of 
Bvt Brig Genl Howard
[sgd] WmW Rogers


[[left margin]]
Endt on com of B.C. Cook
Bvt Capt & A.F.A.O.

M2Vol 31.O.L.S. 903
EB429. 903
[[/left margin]]

Bureau R.F. and AL.
Hd. Qrs Ass't Comr. D.C. 
Washington June 11" 1867.

Resp'y referred to J.V.W. Vandenburgh Act Local Supt. D.C. for investigation and report.

By Order of 
Bvt Brig Genl Howard
[sgd] W.W. Rogers.

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington June 13" 1867.

Resp'y referred to Capt E.B. Gates V.R.C. Supt Freedmans Village with reference to preceding endorsement & enclosed communication.

JVW Vandenburgh
Act Loc Supt. D.C.