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EB 427, 947, EB 431, 947,

Office Local Supt. DC 
Washington June 25 67

Respy referred to Major Townsend, Supt. &c, for compliance with endorsement  of Ass't Coms DC.

J.V.W. Vanderburgh
Act Local Supt. DC

EB 426, 936, 

Office Local Supt. DC
Washington June 25 1867

Respy forwarded. Attention invited to enclosed report of Mr Chamberlin.
This report is greatly exaggerated- there cannot be found in this City the same number of Colored families that are more comfortably situated than those around Lincoln Depot with this one exception. Relief has been extended in this case.

J.V.W. Vanderburgh
Act Local Supt. DC

Endt on Com of W.H. Wiegel
Bt Col & A.A. Genl.

2 Vol 50, OLS 948, EB2 Vol 5, 948

Bureau RF and AL
Hd Qrs Ass't Coms DC
Washington June 25 1867

Respectfully transmitted to J.V.W. Vandenburgh, Act Local Supt. DC, with directions to send this woman to attend the trial.
Transportation can be furnished her if desired.

By order of Bt Brig Genl Whittelsey 
(sgd) W.W. Rogers
A.A.A. Genl

Endt back on Com of B.C. Cook
Bt Capt A.S.A.C.

EB 403, 908, EB 420, 903

Freedmans Villiage Va
June 24th 1867

Respy returned to J.V.W. Vandenburgh, Act Local Supt DC, with the information that I have made a thorough investigation regarding Sullie Brown, and her child Evalina Spootswood (referred to in the enclosed Comn) but have been unable to find either of them, they evidently are not inmates of this Villiage or the vacinity.

(sgd) E.B. Gates
Capt V.R.C. & Supt.