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Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication

Rcd O.L.S.D.C. Nov 1 1866 Filed | Stewart Elridge A.A.A. Genl. No.14 | War Department Bureau RF. and AL. Washington Oct 29/'66

Circular letter,
Gives instructions relative to forwarding applications for manifestation for Refugees and Freed people
Directs that the number of persons and name of head of families & their sex and children should be stated -
Also state the nearest R R. Station or Steam Boat Landing and whether they will be employed.  

Rcd O.L.S.D.C. Oct 30 1866 Filed | Clark Appleton. P. No. 15 | 394 East Capt St Washington Oct 30/66
Request Rations. thru Mrs Griffing for (62) Freedpeople going north. 

[[3 Columns]]

|Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

Rcd O.L.S.D.C. Oct 31"1866 Filed | Ray H.H. No 16 | Bureau RF. and AL. Hd Qr Asst Comr D.C.  Washington Oct 31" 1866.
Request a List of the names of employees including those on duty at Mrs Griffings who are paid on rolls of this office. O.L.S.

Rcd O.L.S.D.C. Nov 1st 1866 Filed |
Rogers Wm W. Bvt Lt Col A.A.A.G. NO 17 |
Bureau RF. and AL. Hd Qrs Asst Comr. D.C. Washington Nov 1st 1866
The Asst Commr directs that you let Mr. Kimball have the use of the team in your charge tomorrow & next day. 2d&3d inst. 

Recd O.L.S Nov 6" 1866  Filed | Rogers Wm W. AAA Genl No 18. | Bureau RF. and AL.
Hd Qrs  Asst Comr. D.C.  Washington Nov 2d 1866
The Asst Commr directs that you furnish Miss Harris. one days rations for Seven (7) Freedpeople going North.