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[[3 Columned Table]]
DateofRecption |  Name of Writer | Purport of Communication 

Recd O.L.S Nov 5" 1866 Filed | Robert Jno L Supt &c No 19 | East Capitol St. Barracks Washington Nov 5" 1866. 
Request rations for eight (Freed woman) (8) going north this evening. [2] days rations

Recd O.L.S. Nov 12"1866 Filed | Merrick  Henry I. No 20 | Danby Four Corners W. Nov 6" 1866 
Wants a colored girl not less than 14 years old. 
Will board and clothe her.

Recd O.L.S. Nov 6 1866 Filed | Robert Jno L. Supt &c  No 21 | East Capitol Barracks Washington Nov 6th 1866. 
Request Rations for Six [6] persons (Freed people) one week [42] for use at their Barracks. 

Recd O.L.S. Nov 7th 1866 Filed | Roger Wm. W. A A A Genl No 22 | Bureau RF and AL. Hd Qrs Asst Comd. D.C. Washington Nov 7" 1866 
The Asst Commr. directs that you loan the bearer Mr. Kelly the Flag to be returned tomorrow.

[[3 Columned Table]]

DateofRecption | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication 

Recd O.L.S. Nov 7 1866 | Burr Raymon J. 711 Sansom St. EB Vol 1-47-  EB 1 Vol 51 No 23 | Philadelphia, PA Nov. 6" 1866
States that Mary E Johnson (Freed woman) desires to return to Washington City. States that She was promised a teachers situation by Mrs. Griffing. 
Asks that transportation be granted her to return.

Recd O.L.S. Nov 8 1866 Filed | Clark A. P. Agent &c No. 24 | Washington Nov 8"1866 
States that Mrs. Giffing desires him to request that rations be furnished (36) freed people going North. 

Recd O.L.S. D.C. Nov 8" 1866 Filed | Brown J.M. Bvt Maj A.Q.M. No 25 | War Department Bureau R F and AL. Washington Nov 8" 1866
The Asst Commr directs that that the necessary Rp be furnished Miss Walker Also that you see that pipe and Elbow are put up

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