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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication |

|Rec O.L.S. D.C. 11/20" 1866 |
|Field Maj. Wm. D. No. 48 O.L.S. D.C. LB 69. 1866 |
|Springfield Mass.  Nov. 19" 1866 

Desires to obtain a colored woman for Servant req such reply immediately |
|Rec' O.L.S. 11/20. 1866. Filed |
|Roberts J.L.  Supt. &c.  No. 49 |
|East Cap'tl Barracks 
Nov. 19" 1866.  
Requests (42) rations for use at these Barracks. |

|Rec O.L.S.  11/22 1866.  Filed |
|Clark A.P.  No. 50 |
|394 North Cap'tl Street
Washington Nov. 20" 1866.  
Reports that thirty Freed people have been provided with rations since the receipt last invoice. 


[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication |

|Rec O.L.S. 11/21 1866  Filed|
|Clark A.P. Agent &c  No. 51.|
|Washington D.C.  
Nov. 20" 1866.  
Requests rations for twenty nine (29) freedpeople who are going north.|            ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

|Rec O.L.S. D.C. 11/21 1866.  Filed.|
|Burr Raymon Jr.  Sec P.F.R. Asst.  No. 52.|
|Philadelphia Pa.  
Nov 19" 1866. 
Acknowledges Receipt of letters relative to the case of Mary V. Johnson. (cold) vs. Mrs. J. Griffing. 
|Rec O.L.S. 11/21" 1866.  Filed.|
|Wadsworth S.A.  O.L.S. D.C. LB 70. 1866.  No. 53.|
|Hockanum Conn. 
Nov 19th 1866.

Desires to know when the Cold men will be started for Hockanum Conn.|