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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication |

|Rec O.L.S. 11/22 1866 Filed|
|Bacon Francis
L.B. 77.78 O.L.S D.C.
 No.54 |
|Waterloo N.Y.
Nov 17" 1866
Desires to obtain a colored servant.|

|Rec O.L.S.
11/23 1866 Filed|
|Wadsworth S.A.  
No. 55 |
|Hockanum Conn.
Nov 21" 1866
Requests that the colored men be forwarded immediately Also dates time the Boat leaves N.Y. City |

|Rec. O.L.S.
11/23 1866 |
|Tiffs LA
L.B. 73 O.L.S. D.C
No. 56
NOB 1 Vol 42. 80 |
|Springfield, Mos
Nov 19" 1866
Encloses application of E. Keith of Springfield, for appt. [[?]] and requests information on various home-connected with the supplying of colored servants to persons in the North desirous of their services. |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication |

|Rec O.L.S.
11/24 1866|
|Lewis Samuel
EB 1 Vol 58 O.L.S. 1866
No. 57|
|New York
Nov 20" 1866
States that his daughter Mary Emma Lewis is in Washington, and requests that she be sent to him. |

|Rec O.L.S.
11/26" 1866|
|Brown J.M.
Bvt Maj. A.Q.M
No. 58|
|Washington D.C,
Nov 26" 1866
Requests thro Asst Com'r that the two Horse team report to the Supt. at Cox Mansion Georgetown, this P.M.|

|Rec O.L.S.
11/26 1866|
|Brown J.M.
Bvt Maj A.Q.M.
No. 59|
|Washington D.C.
Nov 26" 1866
Requests thro Asst Com'r that Two Teams report to Supt. at Cox Mansion, Georgetown D.C. tomorrow. 27" inst |