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[[3 Columned Table]]

Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication

Rec O.L.S. 12/3 1866 No. | Wadsworth SA. L.B. 90 O.L.S 1866. No. 78 | East Glastenburg Conn Nov 29"/.'66.
Reports arrival of [14] Colored men Wood Choppers, also want [25] more and [4] four Colored Girls for house

Rec O.L.S 12/5 1866. No. | Rice Lewis B. L.B. 92 O.L.S 1866 No. 79 | Sodus, Wayne Co. N.Y. Nov. 30"1866.
Desires to obtain a colored man and wife/farmhand and has no objection to children if large enough to work.

Recd O.L.S. 12/3 1866 No. 80 | Tifft L A. Agent &c LB 93. O.L.S 1866 WRB1 Vol 34.-5-6 | Springfield Mass Dec 1" 1866 
Requests to know how soon the enclosed order for Servants 
Can be filled - that the appt Cant for servants Cannot wait More than one week &c. 

[[3 Columned Table]]

Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication

Rec O.L.S 12/5" 1866 Filed No 81 | Clark A.P.  | Washington D.C. Dec 4" 1866.
By request of Mrs. Griffing applies for rations for 48 freed people going north.

Rec O.L.S. 12/6 1866 No. 80| Holmes Jas.B. | North East Md. Dec 1866.
Desires to procure a colored female servant.

Recd O.L.S. 12/6 1866 No. 83 | Rook. E W. | Sunderland. Mass December 1st 1866.
Desires to procure a house servant.