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[[3 Columned Table]]

Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication 

Rec O.L.S 12/11 1866. | Griffing Mrs. J.S. Agent &c EB1 Vol 63. 1866 No. 96 | Washington D.C. Dec 11" 1866, 
Request Clothing for {11} Eleven destitute Freedpeople going north.

Rec O.L.S 12/11 1866. |Griffing Mrs. J.S. Agent &c  EB1 Vol 63. 1866. No. 97. | Washington D.C.  Dec. 11" 1866.
Requests Special transportation from this City to NY City & return for E. Griffing to accompany a party of freedpeople going North.
Transportation forwarded Dec [[?]] 1866 to Mrs Griffing

Rec O.L.S 12/11 1866 | Clark A. P. Agent No 98 | Washington D.C.  Dec. 11" 1866.
Request rations thro Mrs Griffing for (37) Thirty Seven. Freedmen going North

[[3 Columned Table]]

Date of Reception | Name of Writer|Purport of Communication  

Rec O.L.S. 12/10 1866. | Martin Archer N.  late Capt and A.D.C.  LB 106. O.L.S.1866  No 99 | Westchester Penna  Dec 5"1866.
Denies information in regard to furnishing rations and transportation to destitute Freedmen about Washington

Rec O.L.S. 12/10 1866. | Pinckney Charles  LB 107 OLS 1866 No 100 | West Roundale, Fondulac cO. Wisc Dec 3" 1866.
Desires to obtain a freedwoman for house servant.

Rec O.L.S 12/11 1866. | Townsend Maj  LB. 104. 1866.  No 101 | Washington D.C. Dec 11" 1866.
Requests the issue of (1) one pr Shoes to Colored Boy and, that (12) Twelve Blankets be sent to him for Issue. 

Transcription Notes:
. Fondulacles misspelled - should be FondDuLac