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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

|Rec O.L.S 12/12 1866 | Copies forwarded to Apts No |Roger Wm W. A A A Genl. 120 | Washington D.C. Dec 11" 1866. Forwards Circular letter relative to Applications for Transportation. States that no orders will be signed, unless the parties are destitute.| 

|Rec O.L.S. 12/14 1866 No | Brown Maj J.M. A.Q.W. 121 | Washington D.C. Dec" 14" 1866. States that requisition for Platform form Scales has been approved by A.C. and purchase ordered. as these articles cannot be drawn from Commissary Dept|

|Rec" O.L.S. 12/14 1866. No | Brown Maj J.M. A.Q. M 122 | Washington D.C. Dec" 14" 1866. States that he is authorized thro A.C. to furnish Felt + Lav for roofs at Wisewell Barracks. Also that Maj Vandenbergh is to see that the work is done. Wants to have the amt of material required.| 

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

|Rec" O.L.S. 12/13 1866. No | Rogers W. W A. A A. Genl 123 | Washington D.C. Dec 12" 1866 | States that information having been recd in reference to one Mr. Johnson of this City had contracted with some Freedpeople to go to Virginia. that he broke his contract, and left them to shift for themselves.
Direct thro. Asst Comr that the case be placed in Maj Vandenberghs hands for investigation, and to make him
return their goods to their former place|

|Rec. O.L.S. 12/13 1866 No | Tiffs L.A. Agent &c 124 | 
Springfield Mass. Dec 13" 1866. States that if order already forwarded. cannot be filled by 22" inst to consider it annulled. as parties cant wait.|

Transcription Notes:
Aßt = Asst. (German sharp ß is also written as ss).