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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

|Rec O.L.S 12/15" 1866. No | [[Dora]] J.S. EB 1 Vol 70 OL.S. 125 EB 74.75 | [[?]] Dec 15" 1866
Dec 15" 1866
States there is a colored man across Eastern Branch, who is a fit subject for Freedmans House.| 

|Rec O.L.S. 12/15 1866. No 126|Rogers Wm W. A.A.A. Genl Coupled with [[Child]] sent to C.O.H. Dec 18" 1866.  | Washington D.C. Dec 15" 1866 
States that information from a reliable source of the ill treatment of a col'd girl lying with a woman named Julia Jenter on 17" St bet L & M. 
Further information can be obtained of Miss Marm Cox 17" St & [[Wts]]. the A.C. directs that if the facts cannot be found that she will be taken to Colored orphans House.|

|Rec O.L.S. 12/17 1866. No 127| Roberts J L. Supt &c EB 1 Vol 70 O.L.S 1866  | Washington D.C. Dec 17" 1866 
Transmit Transportation orders to be canceled, the parties not using them.|  

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

|Rec O.L.S. 12/17 1866 Rec B. No 128| Griffing Emma J. Agent &c EB 1 Vol 71. O.L.S . 1866. Rec 12/21. 1866  granted  | No 128 Washington D.C. Dec 17" 1866 
Asks for Special transportation order from this City to Hartford Conn. [Via New [[Ha...]] Boat & K & NH RR] and return in charge of Freedpeople going to  different points north.|

|Rec O.L.S. 12/17 1866. R B 12/20 1866 granted No 129| Griffing E.J. Agent &c EB 1 Vol 71 O.L.S  | Washington D.C. Dec 15" 1866. 
Requests transportation from this City to West. Point N.Y, Cincinnatti [[misspelling sic]] O, Pittsburg Penn and other points north for [38] thirty Eight Freedpeople.|

|Rec O.L.S. 12/17 1866. No 130| Townsend E.G. Supt &c EB 1 Vol 71 O.L.S.  | Washington D.C. Dec 17" 1866. 
Requests that Two Bales of Straw or one load of Straw be provided for use at K.G. Barracks to be placed in the hands of the Supt with instructions to see that the Barracks are made clean and filled with fresh straw