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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

Rec. O.L.S.
12/28" 1866.
[Whittelsef?] Hewy M.
Bt Big Level & C.Q.M
No. 186
Washington D.C.
Dec "28" 1866.
States that letter of 19" wish
has been favorably considered and
transportation will be furnished as
soon as the name of the nearest R.R. Sta
to Carlisle V'a is forwarded.

Rec. O.L.S.
12/29" 1866.
Townsend. E.G.
Supt' &c
Filed No. 187
Washington D.C.
Dec "29" 1866.
Roster of Employees at Kendall
Green Banacks for month Dec 1866.

Rec. O.L.S.
12/28" 1866
[?]Bolinaze E.H.
Filed No. 188
Washington D.C.
Dec "28" 1866.
Requests that the team report
to office of J  M Brown A.Q.M.
at 10 o.clock a.m. Dec "28" 1866.

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

Rec. O.L.S.
12/29" 1866.
Brown Maj J.M.
No. 189
Washington D.C.
Decemb' "29" 1866.
Directs that a [2] Horse wagon
report to St J. A. Sladen. at Ho" Ges"
Cor. 19" &cd Sb. as soon as possible.

Rec. O.L.S.
12/31" 1866
Boyd Wm"
EB Vol 90. O.L.S.
No. 190
Washington Dist Columbia
Dec "26" 1866.
States that Mrs. Jones has been Bedriden, and is entirely destitute and in a
starving condition. Requests that relief
be recommended.

Rec. O.L.S.
12/31" 1866.
Brown Maj J.M.
No. 191
Washington D.C.
Dec "31" 1866.
Requests that [1] 2 Horse team
be sent to take the [4] Horse wagons to
Lincoln Depot.