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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication 
| --- | --- | --- |

| Rec. O. L. S. 1/2" 1867 No. 197 | Roberts Jno L
Supt. E B 1 Vol 95 O. L. S. R B 1/4" 1867 granted[[guess]] | Washington, D.C. Jan 2" 1867 States that James Arthur (colored) represents himself as being homeless & friendless, recommends that he be sent to Freedmans Villiage |

| Rec. O. L.S. 1/2" 1867 No. 198 | Griffing Mrs J. S. Agent E B 1 Vol 95. O. L. S. | Washington, D.C. Jan 2d 1867. Requests that clothing be furnished Martha Tilman, colored and others going North. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 1/3d 1867 No 199. | Roberts Jno L. Supt. E B 1 Vol 96. O. L .S. | Washington, D.C.
Jan 3d 1867 Requests transportation for the following named destitute freedpeople, from this City to Providence R.I.  Lewis Lawson & 4 others Adults & 8 children. |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication
| --- | --- | --- |

| Rec. O. L. S. 1/3d 1867 No. 200 | Roberts Jno L. Supt. E B 1 Vol 96 O.L.S. E B 98 | Washington D.C. Jan 3d 1867. Requests transportation from this City to Brooks Station Va. for Mary Russell, Freedwoman. 

States that she may at any time be dependent upon Govt|

| Rec. O. L. S. 1/3" 1867 No. 201 | Roberts Jno L. Supt. E B 1 Vol 97 O.L.S. | Washington D.C.
Jany 1st 1867 Requests that (4) cords of Wood be furnished immediately for month of January 1867. Applied to Hd. Qrs. A.C.D.C. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 1/4" 1867 No 202 | Roberts Jno L Supt. EB 1 Vol 97 O. L. S.| Washington D.C. Jany 4" 1867 Requests that(4) four cords wood be furnished for use at Captain Hill Barracks for month of January 1867, R.B. 1/5" 1867. Approved forwarded to Major Townsend |

Transcription Notes:
Disregard message below. After consult w/Jennie, I'm marking rows as run-in rather than inserting line breaks between columns and blocks of text. :) -- Beth Test page for Jennie, Caitlin, and Doug. Please don't mark as complete yet. -- Beth 4/21/20