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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication |
|Rec O.L.S. 1/3" 1867 Filed |
Holman E.A. Supt. No. 208 | 
Washington D.C. Jany 3rd 1867
States that he will pay the employees at O.L.S. Jan 4" 1867, at 10/12 A.M. 

|Rec O.L.S. 1/8" 1867 No | 
Bartlett S.D. 
Vis Agt. E B 1 Vol 103.  No 209 | 
Washington D.C. Jan 7" 1867
Recommends that Nelson Boliver an aged Freedman be sent to Freedmans Villiage, is stopping at Roseburg "Alley" |

|Rec O.L.S. 1/8" 1867 | 
Roberts Jno. L Supt. EB 1 Vol 102. O.L.S. No 210  |                                                            Washington D.C. Jan 8" 1867.
Requests that Cornelius Carney (Cold) be admitted to Freedmans Villiage. States that he is 65 years of age and unable to support himself lives on Island near R St. 

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication |
|Rec O.L.S. 1/7 1867. |
Needham G.F. Chairman Bul'g Con A.F.R. EB 1 Vol 103. 1867 No 211| 
Washington D.C. Jan 6" 1867
States that the house No. 394 North Capt. St. occupied as a transportation Depot, and also by Mr. A. P. Clark, Visitor &c is in a dilapidated and uncomfortable condition.

The owners will repair it thoroughly, provided an increase of rent be paid to the amt of 18 00/100 per month.
Requests the advancing of the rent as above noted, or to be furnished with other Quarters.

|Rec. O.L.S. 1/7" 1867. | 
Brown Maj J.M. A.Q.M. | 
Washington D.C. Jan 5" 1867
Directs that James Morrison (Carpenter) be supplied with a team to take Tables to John
Brooks school R&S. Sts.|

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of the letters before "Agt." in the second section of the left page. Pretty sure it is Vis "Vis" an abbrev. for "Visiting" Agent