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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

Re" O.L.S. 1/15 1867 | Harris Mrs N.T. Agent EB120ll1%O.L.S. RB 1/19 1867 Granted. No 230 F. 1/21 1867 | Washington D.C. Jan 15 1867, Requests transportation from Washington D.C. for destitute freed people. [5] to Waterloo N.Y. [9] to Elmira N.Y. [3] to Pen Yarr N.Y. [2] to Londananda N.Y. and [7] to Earl Bloomfield N.Y.

Re" O.L.S. 1/16/1867 | Robert J.L. Suft. TC EB120l118.O.L.S. No 231 | Washington D.C. Jan 16 1867, Request transportation from Washington D.C> to Port Lofacer Mo for Elisabeth Baylor, adult and one small child destitute freedwoman

Re" O.L.S. 1/16 1867 | Loconsend E.G. Suft. TC EB120l118. O.L.S. No 232 | Washington D.C. Jan 15 1867, Asks that his name may be added to the list of offers or employees BuRF L. Soho are allowed to pucchase stores at Corn Suft.

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

Re" O.L.S. 1/19 1867 | Harris Mrs N.T. Agent TC EB1V.119.O.L.S. 1867 No 233 | Washington D.C. Jan 15 1867, Requests transportation from Washington D.C. to Brooklyn N.Y. for Susan Collins, adult, a destitute freedwoman RB 1/23 1867, granted

Re" O.L.S. 1/18 1867 | Griffing Mrs J.S. Agent TC EB120l 121. O.L.S. No 234 | Washington D.C. Jan 17 1867, Requests transportation from this city to the following named places for destitute freedpeople. Utica and Rochester N.Y., Whiting W. Wellers, P.A., Brooklyn N.Y. Oil City P.A., Marshall, Mich, Jefferson N.Y. Benin O. Chilacotte, O, Packensburg, N.Y. City, Windham Corner RB423 1867, granted Forio 0 24

Re" O.L.S. 1/16 1867 | Kimball John Supt of Schools Filed No 235 | Washington D.C. Jan 16 1867, States that the grant of the lumber at school Reosource on and at new 9" del orders Live days ago, learns a lou of coal in the yard to be stolen. Also requests that Black Boards and Book cases may be rent with the same to the school. (Miss Chare's)

Transcription Notes:
Note this is my first transcription so may have many errors.