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[[3 Columned Table]]
Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication
|Washington D.C. Jan 31 1869

Rec O.L.S. 2/1" 1867. | Griffing Mrs. J.S. Agent &c EB 1 Vol. 134 O.L.S. No. 286 RB 2/7" 1867, granted- |Washington D.C. Jan 31" 1867.
Requests transportation from Washington for destitute freedpeople as follows, Smiths Basin, [[?]] N.Y. City Leroy 2, N.Y. Salem N.J. Norwich 3 Ct. & Warsaw N.Y. 

Rec. O.L.S. 1/31" 1867. |Bartlett Mrs. S.D. Agent EB 1 Vol 135. O.L.S. No. 289 | Washington D.C. Jan 30" 1867,
Reports that there is no wood at the East Capitol St Barracks for issue to the destitute 

Rec. O.L.S. 1/30" 1867. Copies provided to all agents 1/31" 1867. | Howard O.O. Maj Genl. Comn. Filed No. 288.
|War Dept. B.R.F. and AL. Washington Janu 24" 1867,
States that hereafter no fees will be exacted by officers or Ag'ts. of the Bureau, in recurring situations for Freedmen or for Registry of Contracts.
Directs that no verbal agreements should be allowed, as it occasions, a great deal of confusion|

[[3 Columned Table]]
 Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication 

Rec. O.L.S. 1/30" 1867. |Reyburn Rob't.Surg. [?] Filed No. 289 |Washington D.C. Jan 29" 1867,
Appoints R.W. Lowerie and R.A. Slater. Vis Agents in Dis't Hd. Q. 

Rec. O.L.S. 2/1" 1867 | Griffing J. Emma Agent No. 290 | Washington D.C. Feb 1st 1867,
States that she has no Store suitable for cooking rations. Requests to be provided with a Store for that purpose. 

Rec. O.L.S. 2/1" 1867 | Wall O.S.B. Emp. Agt. EB 1 Vol 136. O.L.S. No. 291 | Washington D.C. Feb 1st 1867,
Requests transportation from this City to Concord N.H. for Sarah Hodges & daughter, destitute freed-people.

Rec. O.L.S. 2/1" 1867 | Sylvester J.H. 1st Lt & Adg't.
EB 1 Vol 136. O.L.S. No. 292 | Washington Dist of Columbia Jan 31" 1867,
Desires to know what arrangements can be made with the Com'dg. Officer at Kendall Green Brk, in reference to drawing rations for the Guard at that place.
Forwarded by Maj Townsend.