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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

Rec. O.L.S.
2/1" 1867
Townsend E.G.
Sup't. &c
EB 1 Vol 137. O.L.S.
No. 293
Washington D.C.
Feb 1" 1867,
Desires to know whether there
are any more Blankets & Shoes also
material for men's & boys pants,
Requests that rations be forwarded.

Rec. O.L.S.
2/1" 1867.
Smith A.B.
Filed No. 294
Ulster For.
Jan 27,"1867,
Acknowledges receipt of [2]
Colored Servants & mentions a place
for another.

Rec. O.L.S.
2/1" 1867
Holman E.A.
Filed No. 295
Washington D.C.
Feby 1st" 1867,
States that he will say she
Employees at Office L.S. and at
Kendall Green & East Capt. Barracks
Directs that they be notified.

Rec. O.L.S.
1/11" 1867,
Trowbridge How. R.E.
Kelso. How. Jus. R.
Filed No. 296
Washington D.C.
Jan 9" 1867,
Recommends Jerome A. Johnson
a young |co'ld| man for a position in
the Freedmans Bureau.

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

Rec. O.L.S.
2/1" 1867
Rogers Wm. W.
A.A.A. Genl.
Filed No. 297
Washington D.C.
Jan 31" 1867,
Directs this Ass't Com'n. that
[3] days rations be furnished Mrs
Stull 59 Montgomery St Georgetown for
freedpeople going north.

Rec. O.L.S.
1/6" 1867
Schuier Ed.
Insp. Genl.
Filed No. 298
War Department
Washington Dec "31" 1866,
Directs through the Secretary
of War that 50 Water Buckets be
distributed at Wisewell and Capitol
Hill Barracks and that the commanding
officers be held responsible
for their being kept full of water.

Rec. O.L.S.
2/2" 1867,
Griffing Mrs. J.S.
EB 1 Vol 138" O.L.S.
No. 299.
Washington D.C.
Feb 2d. 1867,
Requests transportation from this
City to Gordonsville V'a for 6 destitute freedpeople.