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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

|Rec OLS 2/1"1867 No. | Townsend ES Supt OC E1B1Vol138OLS 300 | Washington D.C. Jan 31" 1867,
Forwards report of [Ten with] OC[cupying] rooms at Kendall Green Barracks for month of January 1867,and showing the amount of money

|Rec OLS 2/2"1867 Filed | Rogers [Umt] A.A.A. [GND] No. 301 | Washington D.C. Feb 1st" 1867,
Appoint U. G. Gaslines are employment agent at a Salary of [120.00] per month and once ration. |

|Rec OLS 2/2"1867 Filed | Reyburn Robert Sing US [Vol] Peer R [Cowth] No. 302 | Washington D.C. Feb 1st"1867, Appoint Richard Balty visiting agent under direction of the Special Relief [Coweth] |

|Rec OLS 2/4"1867 Filed | Parsons [The] No 303 | Washington D.C. Feb 2" 1867, Forwards his resignation as visiting agent. |

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

| Rec OLS 2/4"1867 No. | Griffing Mrs JS [Agented] [E1 B1 Vol 138 OLS] 304 R | Washington DC Feb 4" 1867, Requests transportation from this [city] to the following named [places] for destitute [freed] people, Boston. Mass [Smiths Basin. Cherrango Gorhame] N.Y. Battle Creek, [Mount Tomic Jll Nario] Market Ohio, Burlington [Mt] Portland Me, Phil a PA Watertown PA B 2/9"1867 granted. Forwards |

| Rec OLS 2/5"1867 No. | Townsend E.G. Supt OC EB1Vol139OLS 305 | Washington DC Feby 4" 1867, Requested to be provided with both and other material for [hi] make [ups clothing] for destitute freed people in his camp. |

| Rec OLS 2/6'1867 No. | Whitaker AJ EB1 Vol139 OLS 306 | Third Auditors Office USL Washington Feb 5"1867, Desires to obtain colored [servants] for CA. [Foh] & others in state of all. |