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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

| Rec O.L.S. 
2/6" 1867.
|Bergervin P.P.
Lieut and Supt. 
EB1 Vol 140. O.L.S. 
No 307 
| Freedmans Village [[?]]
February 4"1867, 
Requests that the horse and cart now used by Rev J.L. Roberts Supt. East Capital St Barracks be returned to him as he is greatly in need of the same. | 
|Rec. O.L.S.
2/5" 1867
|Leavey J.M.
Filed N.308
|Washington D.C.
February  2" 1867.
Report destitution of the family of one Mrs Peals (freedwoman) and requests that they obtain relief from the Bureau. |

|Rec O.L.S.
2/5" 1867
|Holmes H.B.
Filed No 309
|Chicago Ill.
February 2nd 1867, 
States that he desires to obtain 3 more families of freed people.
That Mr Sutterlin will not be able to leave that city for Washington D.C. before Feby 8" 1867. |

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|
|Rec O.L.S.
2/5" 1867  
|Brown J.M.
Chief Qr. Mr.
EB 1 Vol 141. O.L.S.
No 310.
|Washington D.C.
Feby 4" 1867,
Requests that E.G. Townsend. Supt. Kendall Green be instructed to issue in wood except upon orders, in writingm from Hd. Qrs.[[?]] Com. from the file
under his charge. 
States that the wood is not the property of the bureau. That an application to have it dropped from his Q.M. Returns has been refused by the Q.Mr. Generals
That in order to properly account for the wood the order of the 
Ap't Com't. should be filed with his abstract of expenditure approed by
the com. the wood would then be charged to the Bureau at the Invoice filed $4 per cord. |

|Rec O.L.S.
2/6" 1867
|Howard C.H.
Bvt Brig Genl. & AC.
EB 1 Vol 142. O.L.S.
No 311
|Washington DC
Feb'y 2nd 1867,
Directs Rev J.L. Roberts Supt. East Capt. Barracks to investigate certain
case of destitution in his District. |