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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|
|Re'd. O.L.S. 2/16/1867 No.|Clark A.P. EB1Vol 159 O.L.S. |No. 344|
Washington D.C. Feb 16" 1867 States quite a number of freed people apply for Shoes who are greatly in need. Some are aged & infirm & some children who attend school, wishes to know if he shall issue [[?]] to such.

|Re'd. O.L.S. 2/15"1867|Wright W.V. Emf.[[?]] Agt. EB 1 Vol 159.O.L.S. No. 345. RB 2-21"|
Requests transportation from this city to the following places for destitute freepeople - Clinton NY. Kerrace Station Ill. Chillacthe Ill.R.B 2-21"1867. approved.

Rec. O.L.S. 2/15" 1867
Alexander L.S. Col U. St on Exawing Road
EB 1 V ol. 160 1867
No. 346
Louisville KY
Jan 18" 1867

Requests transportation for Rachel Williams (colored) to join her parents in Washington D.C. 

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|
|Rec "O.L.S. 2-16-1867 Filed|Hoskins Mrs. R.A. No. 347| 107 North St. Auburn N.Y. Feby 12" 1867. States that she has homes provided for ten freed persons the number specified by the Ass't Com. to require an agent to deliver them and desires that they be sent immediately. 
States that Mrs. Shriner[[?]] desires a capable freedwoman to do general housework &c

|Re'd O.L.S. 2/16"1867 Filed|Claude S.W. [[?S.G.]] No. 348| Washington D. C. Feb 15"1867 
Directs through the Ass't Com that the shirts be made up for the boys at the farms school immediately, as they are very destitute.|

|Re'd.O.L.S. 2-16"1867.|Griffing Miss J.E [[?]]Agent &c EB 1 Vol 162.1867. No. 349. RB 2 - 25- 1867. Approved
Washington D.C. Feb 16" 1867. Requests transportation for destitute freed people as follows. Parkersburg Va. Lincoln, Ill  Ladiford, NY  Fairhaven & South   & {[?]]Ct. Phila Pa. Middleton Del, Hartford Ct.