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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

Rec O. L. S. 2-18-1867 | Roger Wm. W.  A. A. A. Genl. Filed No. 357 | Washington, D.C. Feb 18" 1867 Appoints John H. Cook an employment Agent Bureau R F and L.

Rec. O. L. S. 2-18-1867 | Krouse Chats. A. Supt. &c E B 1 Vol 1 O. L. S. No. 358 | Washington. D.C. Feb 16" 1867
Requests the acceptance of Thomas Young. Wife & 2 children under the wing of the Freedmans Bureau. States that Tom has been employed at Camp Krouse for 4 years but is now to old to work.

Rec, O. L. S. 2-18-1867 | Griffing Miss J. E. Agent &c Filed No. 359  | Washington D.C. Feb 18" 1867. Desires to know if the transportation for Battle Creek Mich. asked for on the 11" inst can be obtained  States that the party wish to sort the 19" inst.


[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

Rec. O. L. S. 2-19-1867 | Clark S. N.  A A A Genl. Filed No. 360 | Washington Dist of Columbia Feb 15" 1867 States that Mr WA F Williams of Famington Conn. is no longer connected with this Bureau, also a list of persons formally connected with the Bureau who are also excluded from doing business with the Bureau.

Rec O. L. S. 2-20-1867 | Robert J. L. Supt &c E B 1 Vol. 165. O. L. S. No. 361 | Washington D.C. Feb 20" 1867 Requests transportation from Washington D.C. to Oneida Co. NY for John Burhardt & wife. dependent "Refugees"

Rec. O. L. S. 2-20-1867 | Roberts J.L. Supt &c E B 1 Vol 165 O. L. S. No. 362 | Washington Dist of Columbia Feb 20" 1867.
Requests transportation for Andrew Jackson. Annie Dixon and Susan Chou (adults) defriendent freedmen from Washington D.C. to Clarkes Mills. N.Y. R B 2-26-1867. Approved. Notified

Transcription Notes:
Edited: formatted columns per instructions, filled in blanks, added, corrections, etc.