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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

|Rcd. O.L.S
Roberts Jms L.
Supt. &c
EB 1 Vol 173. O.L.S. 1867.
No. 398.|
Washington. D.C.
Feb 25" 1867,
Requests information relative the course he shall pursue when parties (not agts of this Bu) who apply for transportation for Freedmen, knowing that they receive a percentage.|

|Rcd. O.L.S.
No. 399.|
Johnson Wm (Col)
EB 1 Vol 173.O.L.S. 1867
Washington D.C.
Feb'y 22" 1867,
Applied to the "Freedmans Bureau" for temporary relief.|

|Rcd. O.L.S.
No. 400.|
Jackson D. L.
LB 1 Vol 257.O.L.S.1867.
Westford, Vermont.
February. 18" 1867,
Desires to procure farms servants.|

|Rcd. O.L.S.
No. 401.|
Chappell Wm" H.
LB 1Vol 25[[?]]3. 1867.
Palmyra. N.Y.
Feb 23" 1867.
Desires to be furnished with a colored farm hands.|

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

|Rcd. O.L.S.
No. 402.|
Brown Maj J.M.
EB 1 Vol 174.O.L.S.1867
Washington. D.C.
Feb 27" 1867.
States that he has drawn Forage for one horse now in use of J.L. Roberts. Supt. East Capt. Barracks for month of March but in future it will be drawn with Col Beebe's at Wisewell Barracks.|

Clark S W
A.A.I. Genl.
Washington, D.C.
Feb'y 21st 1867.
Suggests through the Asst Comr that A.P. Clark, an Employment agent, be directed to be at the Balto & Ohio R.R. Depot and enter upon each order in ink & figures the number actually going on the order as in most cases  the number falls short of what it was requested.|

|Rcd. O.L.S.
No. 404|
Griffing Mrs J.S.
Agent &c
EB 1 Vol 176.1867.
Washington. D.C.
Feb 22d" 1867.
Requests that Mrs Francis Sims be allowed some compensation that she may continue her labors among the freedpeople as Midwife.|