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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

Rec. O. L. S. 2-16-1867 | Rogers Wm. W.  A. A. A. Genl. D.C. Refer to No. 406. No. 405 | Washington Feb'y 15" 1867 Desires to be furnished with the name of colored women sent to Schenectaday N.Y. on transportation order No. 256. issued Apr. 3" 1866 on request of J. V. W. Vandenbergh, Ass't Supt. D.C. Dated Mch 31" 1866,

Rec. O. L. S. 3-1-1867, | Crocker J. W. No. 406. | Charlton San C. N.Y. Feby 26" 1867, States that Ellen Sparks cold - was sent to him in January 1867, on transportation procured by a friend in the City of Washington D.C.

Rec. O. L. S. 3-1-1867, | Townsend E. G. Supt. &c No. 407. | Washington D.C. Mch 1st. 1867, Forwards Special Requisition for [3] three Bbls lime for use of destitute freed people.


[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

Rec. O. L. S. 2-28-1867, | Townsend E. G. Supt. &c. E B 1 Vol 178. O. L. S. 1867, No. 408. | Washington D.C. Feb 28" 1867, Transmits rent report for month of Feb'y 1867.

Rec. O. L. S. 3-1-1867, | Wall O. S. B. Emp. Agt. E B 1 Vol 175 O. L. S. 1867, No. 409. R B - 3-5-1867. granted. | Washington D.C. Feb'y 28" 1867, Requests transportation for Josephine Collins, freed child age 11 yrs. from this City to Cleveland O.

Rec. O. L. S. 3-1-1867, | Wall O. S. B. Emp. Agt. E B 1 Vol 178 O. L. S. 1867, No. 410 R B - 3-5-1867. granted. | Washington D.C. March 1st. 1867, Requests transportation from this City to Windsor Locks Ct. for James Douglass and 2 others. adult dependent freedpeople also for Robt Crumpton to Lebanon, Ohio.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: formatted text in rows, filled in blanks, etc.