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[[3 Columned Table]]

Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication

Rec. O.L.S. 3-2-1867 No. | Robert Jno L. Supt. EB1 Vol 184, O.L.S.  429, |Washington, D.C. March 1"1867 
Requests that, lumber and other material be furnished for the purpose of fitting up the Hall formally ocupied by Miss Harris, for the accommodation of freed people waiting for transportation to go North. Also, a Carpenter to do the work. 

Rec. O.L.S. 3-5-1867. No. | Stewart H. G. Emp Agt. 430 | Providence R. I. March 1st 1867, Requests that twenty eight freed people be sent him by 14" Mch. States that he will want families soon, and requests to know who he shall address in future. 

Rec. O.L.S. 3-5-1867 No. | Roberts Jno. L. Supt. E1 Vol 186 O.L.S. 1867. 431. | Washington D.C. March 5" 1867, State that the Night Cads and scarvinges, have ceased to report to those Barracks. Also that the [[?]] require immediate attention.

[[3 Columned Table]]

Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication

Rec. O.L.S. 3-6-1867 No. | Wall O.S.B. Emp Agt. EB1 Vol 186. 1867. 432 RB3- | Washington D.C. March 4"1867.
Requests transportation from this city to Chillicothe Ill. for C.A. Fox who is to take charge of a party of freedpeople. 
6-1867 [granted] 

Rec. O.L.S. 3-6-1867 No. | Robber Hamilton [P.O.Box 330] L278, O.L.S. 1867. 433 | Saratoga Springs N.Y. February 27" 1867.
Requests to be furnished with 2 colored servants &c

Rec. O.L.S. 3-6-1867. No. | Owen S.R. 434 | Blooming Groves N.Y. March 1"1867, 
Request to be furnished with colored farm servants. 

Rec. O.L.S. 3-6-1867. No. | Hall James C  435. | Alexander N.Y. February 27"1867, 
Wishes to have a colored boy sent to him. |

Transcription Notes:
2nd box left want families/top right box Chillicoth Ill.