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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

| Rec. O.L.S. 3-8-1867 | 
Henry Geo. E. Bt. Maj & Supt. EB1 Vol 188 O.L.S. 1867 No 443 | 
             Bladensburg, Md March 8"1867. 
Recommends Mr. Berry a resident of Prince Geo. Co. Md. who is desirous to obtain hands for his farm. |
| Rec. O.L.S. 3-8-1867| 
Brown Bob [Ma J M] A Q M  Filed No 444 |                   Washington D.C. March 8"1867. 
Transmits Invoiced and Receipts of clothing manufactured by Richard Batty as per statement of March 6"1867. Regards that the receipt be signed & retained.
| Rec. O.L.S. 3-8-1867. | 
Chuck [S.R. A.A.L.geul] No 445 | 
             Washington D.C. March 8"1867. States that Mrs. Doolittle of Georgetown, brought the list of names for Boston, & will know all about them. |

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|
| Rec. O.L.S. 3-8-1867.| 
Marble Chief Clerk No. 446. | 
              Washington D.C. March 7"1867. States that the genl. desires that the parties going to Providence & Boston be in readiness to go with him Monday night. |
| Rec. O.L.S. 3-5-1867. | 
Roberts Juo L. Supt. EB1 Vol189. O.L.S. 1867 No. 447 | 
Office Supt. E. C. Baucels Washn D.C. March 4"1867.] 
Returns for cancelations orders for the transportation of Mrs. M Reed 4 adults & 1 child to Kinsale.[?] Susan Gray & another from Washn to Lordamamde[sp?] NY of Miss Harris from Washn to E. Bloomfield NY & Elmire to LeRoy NY & return & Mary Andrew & son to Wheeling W.Va. N[?]04.300.59.625.59.626.59.747. 59.748.58.586.58.587. & 96.962 |
| Rec. O.L.S. 3-8-1867. No. 448| 
Townsend E.G. Supt. EB1 VOl.189 O.L.S.1867| Washington D.C. March 7"1867. 
States that a colored boy by the name of Aaron Heatherman aged 18 or 20 years living in his Carusf[sp?] is subject to Spasms & in one of them he fell in the fire & because badly scared & disfigured about face & that he is unable to support himself. 
Recommend that he be sent to Freedmans Village or elsewhere as the Dept. may deem efficient.