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[[3 Columned Table]]
Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication
Recd O.L.S. 3-1-1867|
Rogers Wm W. A.A.A. Genl  No 47|
          Washington D.D.  Feby 19" 1867
States that the compensation of M.V. Wright is fixed at $6o00/00 per month to date from 1st Feby, 1867|
Recd O.L.S. 3-1-1867|
Rogers Wm W A. A. A. Genl|
           Washington D.C. Feb 28th 1867
States that applications made for stones can be issued the same as other supplies when requested with the parties
Directs that if Mr C.B. Randell recommends parties that supplies be issued.|
Recd O.L.S. 3-12-1867   Filed |
Kimbell John supt of Schools No 472|
            Washington D.C.  March 11", 1867
States that no report in compliance with circular No 9 H. [sp?] Asst Comd D.C. Oct 12" 1866 have not been received from the district of leol[sp?]
Requests that necessary measures be taken to have them forwarded|

[[3 Columned Table]]
Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication
Recd O.L.S.  3-12-1867|
Bristol B.C. No 473|
           Washington D.C.  March 9" 1867|
States that W. R. Wood Esq of New Lebanon Columbia Co N.Y. desires to have 2 boys sent to him aged from 15 to 20 years|
Recd O.L.S. 3-12-1867|
Smith Austin No. 474|
           Westfield N.Y.   March 8" 1867
Desires to procure a neat & cleanly colord woman for house keeper & cook. to whom he wold give a permanent home and the same pay as a white woman.
Would like to have his on or before the 1st Ap[sp?] if necessary her fare will be paid in advance|
Recd L.O.S.  3-11-1867|
Susan[sp?] Sand   L1 Vol 276 O.L.S.  No475|
Conway Mass    March 4" 1867
States that four families at Conway desire each a female house servant.|