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[[3 Columned Table]]

|Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|
|Recd O.L.S.|   |Washington. D.C.|
|3-5-1867.|   |Feby 26" 1867.|
|   |Clark S.A.|   |
|   |A.A.G.|Gives information to J.C.|
|   |   |Blofs of Rochester N.Y. relative to|
|   |   |procuring colored servants.
|   |   |States that Col W.M. Beebe|
|   |   |Jr. Local Supt. D.C. has the control of|
|   |   |Employment & transportation.|
|No.|490.|   |
|   |   |   |
|Recd O.L.S.|   |Akron Ohio|
|3-16-1867.|   |March 12" 1867,|
|   |Sherman A.S.|   |
|   |   |Asks how he can get colored|
|   |   |farm laborers.|
|No.|491.|   |
|   |   |   |
|Recd O.L.S.|   |Freedmans Village|
|3-16-1867.|   |March 15" 1867,|
|   |Bergevin P.P.|   |
|   |Lieut & Supt.|States that an ambulance|
|   |   |was sent to the Aqueduct Bridge|
|   |   |as directed, and that no freedpeople|
|   |   |appeared.|
|   |   |Requests that any freed=|
|   |   |people who are to be sent to the|
|   |   |"Home" be sent to Georgetown Wharf|
|   |   |they can be brought over in the|


[[3 Columned Table]]

|Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|
|Recd O.L.S.|   |Port Monmouth N.J.|
|3-16-1867.|   |March 13" 1867,|
|   |Wilson Rev WI.|   |
|   |   |Requests to be furnished with colored|
|   |   |farm servant.|
|No.|493.|   |
|   |   |   |
|Recd O.L.S.|   |New Brunswick, N.J.|
|3-16-1867.|   |March 15" 1867.|
|   |Brokaw G.Q.|   |
|   |   |Acknowledges receipt of com=|
|   |   |munication. Says he will pay from|
|   |   |4 to 6. Dollars per month for good help.|
|No.|494.|   |
|   |   |   |
|Recd O.L.S.|   |Washington. D.C.|
|3-16-1867.|   |March 14" 1867,|
|   |Harris Chap.C.|   |
|   |Emf Agt.|Requests transportation from this|
|   |   |city to E. Bloomfield N.Y. & return|
|   |EB 1 Vol 200O.L.S.D.C.|in charge of a party of freedpeople|
|No.|495.|   |
|   |R.BR-3|-20-1867. Granted Forwd. 3-21-1867|