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[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication |

| Rec. O. L. S. 3-16-1867. No. 496. | Chamberlin S. S. E B 1 Vol 200. 1867. | Washington, D.C. March 15" 1867. Submits report in compliance with S.O. No. 40. dated Hd. Qrs. A. C. D. C. March 12" 1867, directing him to proceed to Bellfield Va. — on public business. Encloses transportation for Ramsey Woodly (cold.) from Bellfield Va. to Washington, D.C. also for himself from Acqnid [[Acqia]] Creek Va. to Bellfield Va. & return. And requests to be reimbursed for necessary traveling expenses |

| Rec. O. L. S. 3-18-1867. No. 497. | Pearce Rev E. W. | Elwood N.Y. March 15" 1867. Desires to procure a good colored field hand.

| Rec. O. L. S. 3-18-1867 No. 498. | Wright E. R.  M. C. | Washington D.C. March 18" 1867. Desires to obtain a servant about 45 years of age, to act as house servant Wages $10 00/100 per month. |


[[3 Columned Table]]

| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Rec. O. L. S. 3-16-1867. No. 499. | Griffing Mrs J. S. Agt. &c E B 1 Vol 201. 1867. | Washington, D.C. Mch 15" 1867. Requests that transportation be furnished 3 Children of Eliza Carter, Cold. from Madison C House Va. to Hartford Ct. where she has a house for them. Rec Apprd 4/25" 1867. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 3-12-1867. Filed No. 500. | Glennan P. Asst Surg. | Washington, D.C. Mch 11" 1867. Forwards weekly report of sick & wounded Refugees & Freedmen, dates Feb 23" & 16" — Mch 4" & 11" 1867. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 3-19-1867 No. 501. | Glennan P. Asst Surg. | Washington, D.C. March 18" 1867. Forwards report of sick & wounded Refugees & Freedman for week ending 18" inst. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 2-9-1867. Filed No. 502. | Rogers Wm. W.  A A A. Genl. | Washington, D.C. Feb 8" 1867. Calls attention to Circ No. 8 series 1866. statement of accounts requir'd by said circular will be forwarded immediately for June 1867. |

Transcription Notes:
P. Glennan is assistant surgeon, USV during this time -- Beth Please review carefully -- I had to do a lot of cutting and pasting and revision-- Beth