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[[3 Columned Table]]
Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication 

| Rec. O. L. S. 3-18-1867. Filed | Reyburn Robt. Surg U. S. Vols No 503. | Washington D. C. March 18" 1867. Reappoints Lt Col Beebe Supt. Dist No. 2. S. R. Comr. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 3-18-1867. Filed | Reyburn Robt. Surg U. S. Vols. No. 504. | Washington D. C. Mch 18" 1867. States it is not the intention of Genl. Howard, to appoint visiting Agts. but that cases of distress may be relieved. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 3-18-1867. Filed | Clark S. N. A. A. I Genl. No. 505. | Washington D. C. Mch 18" 1867. Transmits Inventory & Inspection report of property pertaining to this Bureau. Appd. Mch 11" 1867. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 3-18-1867. Filed | Rogers Wm. W.  A. A. A. Genl. No. 506. | Washington D. C. Mch 18" 1867. Fixes the compensation of Mr D. Daily Emp Agt. B R F and A L at $75.00 per month. Date from Mch 1st. 1867. |


[[3 Columned Table]]
Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication

| Rec. O. L. S. 3-18-1867. Filed | Rogers Wm. W.  A. A. A. Genl. No. 507. | Washington D. C. March 18" 1867. Fixes the compensation of Miss Emma Griffing, Emp. Agent, at $90.00/100 per month, date from Mch 1st 1867. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 3-18-1867. Filed | Rogers Wm. W.  A. A. A. Genl. No. 508. | Washington D. C. March 18" 1867. Fixes the compensation of Mrs Louisa Davis, Ass't Emp Agt. at $25 00/100 per month. Date from Mch 1" 1867. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 3-19-1867. No | Rogers Jno D. 2" Precinct S Hous 509. | Troy N.Y. Mch 14" 1867. Asks if two good farm hands [freedmen] can be sent to him within three or four weeks. | 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: reformatted row data, filled in blanks, corrections, etc.