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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

|Rcd O.L.S.3-7-1867.|Holmes, H.B. Secretary. Filed No. 540.|Chicago, Ill. March 2" 1867. Returns vouchers signed as requested. Also encloses application for 3 families and some children. Encloses the letter with application from N.Y. and desires should it be impossible to fill their order, that Colonel Beebe write to them accordingly.|

|Rcd O.L.S.3-26" 1867.|Club Republican 3" March. D.C. EB1 Vol 206. 1867. No. 541.|Washington D.C. March 25" 1867. Desires to obtain the room in the Barrack 7th & O.R.B. now used by Sabbath school of Am. Miss Association for the purpose of holding a meeting therein one night in every week. State that they have consent of the Am Miss Ass'n.|

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

|Rcd O.L.S.3-27-1867.|Mager Jno. H. No. 542.|Scottsburg, N.Y. March 21" 1867. Desires to be furnished with colored servants.|

|Rcd O.L.S.3-27-1867|Griffing M.J.E. Emp Agt. EB1 Vol 206.1867. No. 543.|Washington D.C. March 27" 1867. Requests transportation from this City to Hartford Ct & return in charge of a party of freedpeople.|

|Rcd O.L.S.3-28-1867|Townsend E.G. Supt. EB1 Vol 208. 1867. No. 544.|Washington D.C. March 28" 1867. Requests that 3 cords of wood be appropriated for use at Office guard house, evening school, & church at Kendall Green Barracks for month of April.|

|Rcd O.L.S.3-28-1867|Townsend, E.G. Supt. EB1 Vol 208. 1867.No. 545.|Washington D.C. March 28" 1867. Forwards report of tenants occupying rooms at Kendall Green Barracks for month of March 1867, & showing the amt of money recd for the same.|