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[[3 Columned Table]]

Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication

Rec O.L.S. 5/15" 1867  | Stephens Geo E 1122 Locust St.  No 802 | Philadelphia Pa May 14th 1867. 

Desires to know when some freedpeople will be sent on. 

States that the anxiety is very grim for colored people. 
Rec O.L.S. 5/16" 1867  | Henry Geo E. Bt Maj Supt. E.B.1 Vol 341. O.L.S. No 803 | Bladensburg Md April 9 1867. 

Recommends that William Harrison, an aged and infirm man be admitted to the "Home" at Freedmans Villiage. 
Rec O.L.S. 5/17 1867 | Chamberlin Silas Supt. No 804 | Wisewell Barracks, May 16th 1867 

States that he has investigated the case of Frances Herbert, (Colored)

She belonged to Mrs Duvulla a sister of Mrs Wall, & that no provisions were made in the will of Mrs Wall for Frances. 

[[3 Columned Table]]

Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication

Rec O.L.S. 5/16" 1867 | Carter Miss Harritte  E.B.1 Vol 342, O.L.S. 1867 No 805 | Washington D.C. May 15" 1867.

Calls attention to the case of Frances Herbert, an aged and dependent Freedwoman, her daughter being unable to fully support her, she needs aid from charity.

Her mistress Sarah Ann Wall, died six or seven years ago, who arranged in her will, that Frances should be clothed and fed while she lived, she recd some money for two or three years, but has recd none since. Asks that the case be investigated. 
Rec O.L.S. 5/17" 1867 | Wall O.S.B. Emp Agt  E.B.1 Vol 342. O.L.S.  No 806 Fild | Washington D.C. Mar 29" 1867. 

Requests information relative to the wives of certain Enlisted men of the 40th U.S. Infty. 

Transcription Notes:
should 1st be typed for accuracy (spelling/punctuation) and also readability/searchability