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[[3 column table]]

|When Received| Name & Rank of Writer| Date & Purpose of Communication|

|May 30"1867 O.L.S.D.C. | Roger W.W. A.A.A. Genl EB 1 Vol 368 O.L.S. '67 | Washington D.C. May 30th 1867 States that the accumulation of rubbish and filth, at East Capt. Barracks will no longer be allowed, and that immediate steps be taken to thoroughly Whitewash the PR's & Police the grounds.|

|May 30" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. | Wall O.S.B. Emp Agent EB 1 Vol 369 O.L.S. 1867 | Washington D.C. May 30th 1867 Requests that a Privy be erected for use of the employees of Office Cov 17th & I Sts.|
|No | 848 | |

|May 31" 1867 O.L.S.D.C.| Griffing Mrs. J.S. Agent E.B.1Vol 371 O.L.S. 1867 | Washington D.C. May 27th 1867 Submits for payment Bill of incidental expenses necessarily increased by transporting freed people to homes provided for them in the North Am't $86.18.|
|No.|849|   |


[[3 column table]]

|When Received| Name & Rank of Writer| Date & Purport of Communication|
| May 31 1867 O.L.S.D.C. | Roberts J.L. Supt EB 1 Vol 369 O.L.S. '67| Washington D.C. May 31st 1867 Reports his laboring forces is inadequate to fulfil the duties incumbent upon them and therefore requests that the privelege be granted him to employ Edward Howard & one other man at the rate of Six/$6/Dollars per month each and rations until such labor is accomplished.|
|No.|850|   |

|May 31 1867 O.L.S.D.C. | Rogers W.W. A.A.A. Genl 857 | Washington D.C. May 31st 1864 States that Henrietta Jackson [colored] has been provided with a home and transportation North, and has returned to this City.  She will be allowed no more aid from the Gov't.|
|Filed No.|851|   |