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[[3 columned table]]

When Received   |Name & Rank of Writer|Date & Purport of Communication 

June 4" 1867 O.L.S. D.C. | Griffing Mrs J S. Agent E.B.1 Vol 380. O.L.S.'67 No 868. | Washington D.C. June 4" 1867.
Requests transportation from this city to New York & return for Mrs Daily. in charge of a party of freedpeople.   

June 4"1867. O.L.S.D.C. | Arnold G M. Agent E.B.1 Vol 380. O.L.S.'67 No 869 | Washington.D.C. June 2" 1867. 
Requests a leave of absence for five (5) days to accompany his wife to Wilmington. No.Ca.  

June 4" 1867  O.L.S.D.C. | Griffing Mrs J S. Agent  E.B.1 Vol 381. O.L.S.'67 No 870.| Washington. D.C. May 31" 1867.
Requests that the within mentioned articles (Table & Shelves) be provided for use at Indtl school. 

[[3 columned table]]

When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication 

June 5" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. | Sears Miss M.G. Emp Agent  E.B.1 Vol 381. O.L.S.'67 No 871. | East Bloomfield N.Y. June 3d 1867. 
Forwards list of names of parties desiring to obtain colored servants..

June 5'1867 O.L.S.D.C. | Roberts Rev J.L. Supt.  E.B.1 Vol 381. O.L.S. '67 No 872. | Washington D.C. June 4th 1867.
Requests admission to the "Home" at Freedmans Villiage for Mary Noyes & child dependent Freedpeople. 
Res. 6"St bet H and L sts Island.
RB 6/8" 1867. Appd & Sent 6"

June 3" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. | Griffing Mrs J.S. Agent   E.B.1 Vol 382 O.L.S.D.C. No 873. | Washington D.C. June 1st 1867.
Recommends that the sewing women, at the Indtl school, be paid in unmade garments and save the trouble of issuing & report them as actually issued. 
As the women are dependent upon their own exertions for their daily bread they could make their own garments when not otherwise employed. 

Transcription Notes:
some spell village to villiage