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[[3 columned table]]

When Received|Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication 

June 8 1867 O.L.S.D.C. | Wheeler G.A. A.A. Surg. U.S.A.  E.B. 1 Vol 394. O.L.S. '67 NO 894. | Washington. D.C. June 5" 1867.
Asking the whereabouts of an insane colored woman, by the name of Jane Cinnamon or (Zimmerman) who was removed from a house on No St bet 4 1/2 and 6 st. some three weeks ago.

June 10" 1867, O.L.S.D.C.  | Disbrow D.R. Emp Agent E.B.1 Vol395. O.L.S.D.C. No. 895 | Washington D.C. June 10" 1867. 
Requests admission to the colored orphans Home for Margret Jane Hunter ae 9 yrs Mary Lucy Hunter ae 6 years and Maggie Allen ae 7 yrs, destitute & homeless children.
R.B. 6/10"1867. appd

June 10" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. | Holbrook Jno C. No. 896 | Homer N.Y. June 3d 1867. 
Makes inquiry in regard to a colored house servant, in reference to which he has previously held some correspondence with the Bureau. 

[[3 column table]] 

When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication 

June 11" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. | Robert J.L. Supt.  E.B.1 Vol 396. O.L.S.D.C. No. 897.  | Washington D.C. June 10" 1867. 
Request admission to the House at Freedmans Villiage for Jane Wade. a dependent freedwoman. 
R.B. 6/12 appd

June 11" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. | Jones Henry E.B. 1 Vol 399. O.L.S.D.C. No. 898. | Wharton Wharton Co. Texas May 28 1867. 
Requests that his wife Mrs. Milly Ann Jones be sent to him to Wharton Texas. States that she lives in "K" St bet 24" and 25"Sts. No. 1 in Dr. Newmans House. Encloses a letter for her.
June 10 1867 O.L.S.D.C. | Sears Miss M.G. Emp Ag't.  No. 899 | East Bloomfield N.Y. June 6th 1867. 
Transmits list of names of parties desireing to obtain colored tenants. 

Transcription Notes:
they spell village as villiage sometimes They spelled purpose as purport