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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received | Name&Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication|
|   |   |   |
| June 21" 1867 O.L.S. D.C. Filed No. 939 | Townsend E.G. Supt. | Kendall Green. June 21 1867 States that John Nash who was sent to him for employment has been provided with quarters at Campl Barracks - and put on light duty with promise of rations only for the present. Requests that 11 days rations be furnished him from the 19" inst. | 

| June 23 1867 O.L.S.D.C. No.940 | Jordon M. 402. 16th St. E.B. 1 Vol 424. O.L.S. | Washington D.C. June 01 1867. States that Mr Charles Manning an employee in the Bureau, has procured of Mr Maker, a Tailor, a suit of clothes for $45 and refuses to pay for them. Requests the action of the Commr. in the matter. | [[/3 column table]]


[[3 columned table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication |
| June 25th 1867. O.L.S. D.C. No. 941 | Manning W.J. E B 1 Vol 425. O.L.S. '67 | Washington D.C. June 24" 1867.
States that he is indebted to Mrs Maker tailor in the sum of ($45) Forty five Dollars and that Mr Maker is an old acquaintance & solicited him to purchase of suit of clothes letting him not to be in a hurry about paying for them with that understanding he took the clothes, has seen Mr Maker several times and told him that as soon as he could obtain a more lucrative position he would pay him immediately. Mr Maker expressing himself as being perfectly satisfied. Denies the correctness of Mr Jordans statement relative to the conversation with him. |

| June 25th 1867 O.L.S. D.C. No. 942 | Chamberlin S.S. Supt. E.B. 1 Vol 426. O.L.S. | Washington D.C.  June 24th 1867. States that he has investigated the case within referred to and found but one family in destitution who will call at Office Local Sup D.C. to say. |

Transcription Notes:
should be made to match others in this series.......margin notes are not added.. Now completed