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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication |

| July 10" 1867 O.L.S. D.C. No 980 | Bramard Wilson | Palmer, Mass.
July 5" 1867. Wishes a colored girl from eighteen to twenty five years old to do house work in a farmers family , to be strong and respectable. O.S.B.W.|

| July 10" 1867. O.L.S. D.C. No 981. | Griffing J.S. Emp Ag't E B 2 Vol 19 O.L.S. '67 | Washington D.C. July 10" 1867. Requests admission to the Home at Freedmans Village, for William Galloway, a dependent freedman. |

| July 10" 1867 O.L.S. D.C. Filed No 982. | Seymour Geo E. | New York July 9" 1867. States that Col Seymour his father has obtained a servant through the Agency of the Bureau. He left and intends to return to Georgetown D.C. was over paid $15 00/100 by Mr Seymour. Asks that he be reminded of the fact should he appear at the Office L.S.D.C.


[[3 columned table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication |
July 11" 1867 O.L.S. D.C. No 983. | Griffing Mrs J.S. Agent E B 2 Vol 20. O.L.S. | Washington. D.C. July 11" 1867. Recommends Mary Fisher, Roberta Banks et al, destitute and dependent freedwomen, for relief clothing &c. |

| July 11" 1867 O.L.S. D.C. No 984. | Chamberlin .S. Superintendent E B 2 Vol 21 O.L.S. '67 | Washington, D.C. July 11" 1867. States that he has investigated the case of Mary Ann Berkley, Cold. She has two children aged 6 & 2 years, is unable to provide for them, or herself. Recommends that they be sent to Freedmans Village. |

| July 12" 1867 O.L.S. D.C. No 985. | Ayer Ira Jr. Lt Col & A.S.A.C. E B 2 Vol 23 O.L.S. | Ashland Va July 5" 1867. Encloses order for the transportation of Grace Phillips, (Cold) from Washington D.C. to Ashland Va asking that the proper Officer at Washington find her and send her on. | [[/3 column table]]