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When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication

July 30" 1867 O.L.S. D.C. | Clark A.P. EB2 Vol 44. O.L.S.'67 No. 1028 | Washington.D.C. July 29" 1867.
Transmits statement relative to the rent of Rooms. occupied as Branch Employment Office and for the Industrial school, in charge of Mrs J.S. Griffing. (Asks to be allowed $15.00 per mo. from Apl 1" in addition to $20.00)

Aug 2" 1867. O.L.S. D.C.| Townsend E.G. Supt. EB2 Vol 44. 1867 No. 1029 | Kendall Green. Aug 2" 18678
Requests a Leave of Absence for (30) Thirty days.-or such less as may be given him-from Aug 12" to Sept 12" 1867. States that he has so far completed the Special work of constructing Tenements at Campbell and Kendall Green, that the workmen can suspend operations until his return.

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When Received | Name and Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication

Aug 2" 1867 O.L.S. D.C. | Stewart. H L Agent &c. EB2 Vol 46. O.L.S. D.C. No. 1030. | Providence. R.I. July 31st 1867.
Acknowledges receipt of telegram of the 30th inst, but states no freedmen has yet arrived.

Aug 2." 1867 O.L.S D.C. | Gregory E.M. Bt Maj Genl A.C. EB 2 Vol 45. OLS. DC. No. 1031 | Baltimore Md July 31" 1867.
Requests information as to the whereabouts of Julia Ann Watkins, last heard from in Washington. D.C.

Aug 3" 1864 O.L.S.D.C.| Rogers W.W. A.A.A. Genl. EB2. Vol 47. O.L.S. No. 1032. | Washington. D.C. August 2nd 1867.
States that as the services of Milton Colwell. Rob't Terrell. & Henry Hall. Employees . at Kendall Green Bk's. are no longer required. that they be discharged without delay.