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[[3 Columned Table]]
|When Received|Name & Rank of Writer|Date & Purpose of Correspondence|
| --- | --- | --- | 

|Sept. 7" 1867 O.L.S.D.C Filed No 1104. |Rogers Wm W. A.A.A. Gen'l | Washington D.C. Sept 7" 1867. Directs (Thro Ass't Comr) that the name of William Pemont be placed on the Rolls at $15. per month. as Watchman at Miss Walkers new house, and relieve one of Maj Brown's watchmen there.|

| Sept. 7" 1867 O.L.S.D.C Filed No 1105.| Rogers Wm W A.A.A. Gen'l | Washington D.C. Sept 7th 1867 Transmits Special Order No. 134, recinds the order discharging O.S.B Wall? and assigns him to duty as Supt. of Tenements at Campbl Hospital, relieving E.G. Townsend.|

| Sept 9" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. No. 1106. | Johnson J.A. Agent EB2TD 85. O.L.S.D.C | Washington D.C. Sept 7" 1867. Requests that Lucy Gray, an old & infirm freedwoman, be admitted to the freedmans Home.|


[[3 Columned Table]]

|When Received|Name & Rank of Writer|Date & Purpose of Correspondence|
| --- | --- | --- | 

|Sept 11 1867 O.L.S.D.C. No. 1107. | Chamberlin S.S. Supt. Bks EB2Vol87.O.S.S.67  | Washington D.C. Sept. 10th 1867. Transmits report of tenants occupying rooms at Wisewell Barracks for the months of Sept. 1867. No. of families 69. Amount of cash recd & turned over to Maj. Brown D.O. $191.25 |

| Sept 11" 1867 O.L.S.D.C No. 1108.| Cambridge J. L. E.B.2"Vol 89.1867 | Hartford Conn. Sept 5" 1867 States a Mr. Bacon living in Conn. ordered a man woman from 
Washington. Kept them one night and then brought them to him saying he did not want such help - those other men ordered by Mr. Bacon accidently came to Hartford heard the man & woman's story and refused to go to him. - He will find them other places. that within 10 or 12 days he has had 24 calls for woman and wants as many as 50 women.|

|Sept 12" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. No. 1109.| Smith K.L. Agent EB2 Vol 89.1867. |Washington D.C. September 12" 1867 Requests transportation (by permission of the Ass't Comr D.C) from this City to Boston Mass & return, for the purpose of accompanying freed people.|