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[3 columns|
|When received| Name & Rank of Writer| Date & Report of Communication|

|Oct 5 1867 O.L.S.C | Rogers Wm W |A A A Genl | Washington D.C. October 4th 1867
Transmits Official Copy of Communication from Hon Jno P.C. Shank, Chairman, Committee of investigation on the treatment of Union Prisoners of War & Union Citizens requesting that the names of any person either Soldier or Citizen (White or Colored) who has been wronged by the Rebels either in person or property, be forwarded to said committee.|
No 1157.

Aug 30 1867
OL.S.D.C.| Ketchum A.P.
A.A.A. Genl.|
Washington D.C
Aug 30th 1867.|
Directs that employment be found somewhere in Town (if possible) for Thomas Welch, the bearer.|
Filed No. 1158|

Oct 5 1867
O.L.S. DC|
Griffing, J.S.
Agent|Washington D.C.
Oct 4th 1867
Forwards S. Requisition for cloth for dresses & pants. Buttons &c for Indtl School. 394 North Captl St|
No 1159

[[ 3 column table]]
|When Received| Name & Rank of Writer| Date & Purport of Communication|

|Oct 8 1869
Chamberlin S.S.
Supt &c|
Washington DC
Oct 8th 1867
Transmits Report of tenements at East Captl B'k's. Amt of Rent collected $103.25|
EB 2 Vol 106. 1867.

Oct 9 1867
Townsend E. G.
Kendal Green Barracks
Washington Oct 9th 1867
Requests that the pay of Chas F. Haines be reduced to $15 per month or that he (Haines) be discharged for drunkenness|
EB2.  Vol 106. 1867
No 1161.|

Oct 11 1867
Griffing, J.S
Washington D.C
Oct 11th 1867 
Requests admission for Geo Bingham & wife to Freedmans Village for the Winter Days, both are old and unable to cook &c. Cannot subsist themselves & pay house rent &c|
EB 2 Vol 106. 1867.
No 1162.