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[[3 column table]]
When Received|Name & Rank of Writer|Date & Purport of Communication

Oct 31" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. No 1214 | Griffing J.S. Ajt refby
Clark S.A. A.A.A. Genl | Washington D.C. Oct 28" 1867.
Official copy of extract of letter of Mrs. Griffing. Agent: Stating that in visiting lately she has found many families without bed or bedding and no one garrett, three women with separate families-sleeping on the
floor and entirely destitute of bedding, or 
of any comfort.

Oct 29" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. Filed No 1218 | Barrett OD L.B. 2" Vol No 35. 1867 | Washington. D.C. Oct 28"1867.
States that a friend of his from near Pittsburgh PA desires a colored girl from six to twelve yrs of age, to wise and desires to be informed where such an one can be

Nov 11"1867, O.L.S.D.C. No 1219 | Wall O.S.B. Supt EB 2" Vol 124. O.L.S.D.C.| Campbell Barracks Nov 11" 1864.
Asks that the services a Plumber, be secured for two or three houses to inspect & replace the water pipes in two or three places in that Camp.

[[3 column table]]
When Received|Name & Rank of Writer|Date & Purport of Communication

Oct 29"1867 O.L.S.D.C. No 1220|Clark S.A: Bt Maj & A.A.A. Genl E.B. 2" Vol 125.1867|Washington. D.C. Oct 28th 1867
Directs that Mrs. Griffing Agent forward without delay the address of Mary Holmes(or Harris) freedwoman sent by her to Phil. Also the name and address of her employer.

Oct 30"1867 O.L.S.D.C. No 1221. | Griffing J.S. Agent.
E.B. 2" Vol 125,67 | States that Mary Holme or Harris was sent from her office to No 411. Samsonm St. Phil & assigned to Mr Rob Pumis who lives a few miles from the city-and that she sends all freedpeople wishing homes & employment to J.G. Johnson Phil Agent. Bu R.J.& g. Office No 411. Sansom St.

Oct 31"1867. O.L.S.D.C. No 1222. | Wall O.S.B. Agent &c
EB 2" Vol 125. 1867. | Washington D.C. October 30th 1867.
Requests to be furnished with 2(two) Posts 12×12 inches & 8 feet long, to be used for large Gale or South side of lot also a carpenter one day to make Boxes & fit stovepipe caps & states that the doors of the Boarding Hall will remain making for want of screws that Morrison neglects to attend to it.