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[[3 column table]]

| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 18" 1867
O.L.S. D.C.

No. 1223 | 
Jones Edward
(Colored) |

Prince George Co. Md.
August. 1867.

Unlawfully treated by James Martin and his two sons, by John C Thompson. Justice of the Peace of the 5" Dist of Prince George Co & by Daniel Garner, Constable. Thinks they should be taken under the Civil Rights Bill. |

| Nov 2" 1867.
O.L.S. D.C.

Filed No. 1224. | 

Jacob R.J. |

Washington D.C.
Nov 1st 1867. 

Applies for a situation as Clerk in the Bureau R.F. & L. States that he has been honorably, discharged from the Pay Master General's Office. |

| Oct 16" 1867
O.L.S. D.C.

No. 1225. |

Howard H.L.
A.A.Surg. U.S.A. |

Freedman's Village, Va.
October 5" 1867

States in reply to a communication from Wm.W. Rogers, A.A.A. Genl. dated Oct 2" 1867, that Class No. 1 have all left the village and require no further disposal; Class No. 4 can be disposed of, as the tenements will be required for dependents, that two or three of these families will become dependents during the winter. |


[[3 column table]]

| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication |
| --- | --- | --- |

Nov 12" 1867
O.L.S. D.C.

No. 1226 |

Griffing J.S.
Agt. B.R. &c

E.B. 2" Vol 125. 1867. |

Washington D.C.
Nov 11" 1867.

Requests admission to the Industrial School, 394, North Capt. St. for Rebecca Chen a destitute freedwoman, residing at Kendall Green Barracks. |

| Oct 23" 1867
O.L.S. D.C.

No. 1227. |

Townsend E.G.

EB 2 Vol 126.1867 |

Kendall Green Barracks
October 23" 1867.

Answers to communication relative to providing tenements for (14) fourteen families. States that he can provide for them all. |

| Nov 12" 1867
O.L.S. D.C.

No. 1228. |

Clark S.N.
Bt Maj & A.A.A.Genl |

Washington D.C.
Nov 12th 1867.

States that if the services of John Nash Watchman at Kendall Green Bks are required his pay will be raised to $30.00 per month from the 1st of the current month. It is understood that his present pay is $15.00 per month. |