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[[Three columned table]]

|When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication|

|Nov 12" 1867 O.L.S. D.C|
|Wall O.S.B Supt 
E.B 2" Vol 135. 1867
No 1229.|
|Campbell Banacks D.C.
November. 12" 1867.
Requests that the name of Major Becuy- be placed on the List of employees, at Camp Barracks, at ($10 00/100) ten dollars per month, & one Ration|

|Nov 13" 1867 O.L.S. D.C.|
|Wall O.S.B Supt
EB 2" Vol 126. O.L.S. D.C.
No. 1230|
|Washington D.C.
Nov 12" 1867
Requests a Leave of Absence for (2) two days (Friday & Saturday) to enable him to go to Baltimore Md|

|Nov 13" 1867
O.L.S. D.C|
|Griffing J.S. Agent
EB 2" Vol 124. 1867
No 1231.|
|Wasington. D.C
Nov 12" 1867.
Requests admission to the Industrial School 394 North Captl St. for Julia A Washington & Malvina Reed dependent freedwomen.
Ros Heopkins Shanties bet Bsle. & 1 & 2" Sts| 


[[Three columned table]]

|When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication|

|Nov 13" 1867 O.L.S. D.C.|
|Wall O.S.B. Supt
E.B. 2" Vol 127 O L S D.C.
No. 1232|
|Campbell Barracks.
November 13" 1867.
States that has entered into an agreement with Nicholas Wheeler & Andrew Roddick, to do the night scavenger work for that Camp for (12 00/100) per month, to include digging Pitts +c.
The same being subject to approval or disapproval by the proper authority.|

|Nov 13" 1867 O.L.S. D.C|
|Wall O.S.B. Supt.|
|EB 2" Vol 128. OLS DC No 1233.|
|Washington. D.C. Nov 13"1867.
Reports time made by John Jackson, in digging Pitts &c at Campl Barracks. (4) four days & Eight hours at $1.50 per day. $7.20.
Asks that steps be taken to have him get his pay from Maj Brown, to enable him to pay his rent|

|Nov 2" 1867 O.L.S. DC
|Clark S.N. Bt Maj & A.A.A.G. No 1234.|
|Washington D.C. Oct 31" 1867.
Directs that hereafter no endorsement be written on Reports of Tenements, but on letter of transmitted.|