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[[3 column table]]
|When Received|Name & Rank of Writer|Date & Purport of Communication|

|Jan 18"1868 O.L.S.D.C.|Whittlesey E. A.A.A. Genl
No 1382.|Washington D.C. Jan 16"1868.
Directs that Major Townsend. provide a house for Tino Hurley an old blind man. who was burnt out last Monday- E.G.3.|

|Jan 20"1868 O.L.S.D.C. Filed|Clark S. M. A.A.A. Genl
No 1383|Washington D.C. Jan 20"1868.
Directs that the employment Offices, be made more active if practicable
To this end special efforts will be made to reduce unemployed freed people to accept situations offered them through Capt A.A. Lawars of St Mary Cal Md at Munikirk. Price Ger Co Md at Barry Farm & at the pecutentariry building in this city.
Able bodied freedmen refusing such situations will be defamed from any other aid from this Bureau.|

|Jan 20"1868 O.L.S.D.C.|Jolissant L A S A Com. 
EB2"Vol 165. 1868.
No 1384.|New Orleans. La. Jan 6"1868.
Reports that Emily Stokes (cold) aged and irifim, applied for transportation to Washington D.C.
She has a sister living in Washington, who is willing and able to care for her-|


[[3 column table]]
|When Received|Name & Rank of Writer|Date & Purport of Communication|

|Jan 20"1868 O.L.S.D.C. Filed|Swift Sarah Com Are bet "S&M"
No 1385.|Washington D.C. Jan 20"1868.
Asks the Bureau to compel Jefferson Tantry to pay rent due her, from Nov 29'67 to date or more from her house.
States that she applied to Mrs Ricks for aid who refused is because she owned property. That owning to the failure of her tenants to pay their rent. she is entirely destitute and needs assistance.

|Jan 21"1868 O.L.S.D.C.|Sohafhirt A J MS Lt lt & Darc
EB2"Vol 161.1868.
No 1386.|Washington D.C. Jan 20th 1868.
States Timothy Hirly, lost his house by fire on the day the Banacks of the Freedman were burned. That Mr Heily, informs him that Maj Genl Howard gave him an order to Maj Townsend to furnish him per to rebuild his house, and that Maj Townsend refused saying he has no lumber to share. Asks that Mr Shirly be furnished with some old lumber. &c.|

|Jan 18"1868 O.L.S.D.C. Filed|Reyburm Robert Pres S R Com
No 1387.|Washington D.C. Jan 18"1868.
States that arrangements have been made with the Gains of the Provided Aide Society, that endorsed likets, can be filled up by they Agents of the Sp N Cow & used as Soup tickers & will be received by the Provident Aid Society.|