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| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & purport of Communication |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 12" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. | Elridge Stuart A.A.A. Genl E.B.Q" Vol 176. 1868 No 1450 | Washington D.C 
Feb'y 12" 1868.

Calls attention of D.R. Disbrow to the requirements of Circular letter from the Office of Ass't Com of Jan'y 28" 1868, requesting him to file in said office a bond in the sum of Five hundred dollars.
If not having been rec directs that it be forwarded without delay. | 

| Feby 13" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. | Elridge Stuart A.A.A. Genl E.B.Q" Vol 179. 1868 No 1451 | Washington D.C
Feb'y 13" 1868.

Directs that the Tenants at East Capt'l Barracks, be allowed until Monday to remove, but make them understand that they must move by that time, & instructs Mr. Beckley, to assist the people in finding other residences. | 

| Feby 12" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. | Elridge Stuart A.A.A. Genl E.B.Q" Vol 177. O.L.S.D.C. No 1452 | Washington D.C
Feb'y 12" 1868.

Returns to E.G. Townsend, the inclosed bond for compliance with Note 2. The stamp requires cancelation by the contracting parties. Also calls attention to Note 3, wich [sic] requires a ten cent stamp on each certificate, instead a five cent stamp. Is therefore requested to have a new bond made out, in accordance with foregoing remarks, & forwarded to office [[?]]C. without delay. | 

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| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & purport of Communication |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 11" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. | Noonan C Lieut of Police E.B.Q." Vol 177. 1868 No 1453 | Metropolitan Police Office
Feb 8" 1868.

States that 26 1/2 lbs of meat at the 2nd Ward Soup house - and 80 lbs at the 4th Ward Soup house was found totally unfit for use yesterday. | 

| Feby 13" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. | Griffing Mrs J.S. Agent +c  E.B.Q." Vol 179. 1868 No 1454 | Washington D.C
Feb'y 13" 1868.

States that she went to the R.R. Baggage Master to get the initials of the owner of the Sanitary buildings, but all he knows is, that his name is Mr. Rogers. She cannot ascertain more. He lives in Baltimore, With repairs the building would accomodate Eight or Nine families. | 

| Feby 5" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. | Elridge Stuart A.A.A. Genl E.B.Q" Vol 179. 1868 No 1455 | Washington D.C
Feb'y 5" 1868.

Calls attention of Mrs Griffing, in relation to giving orders to the destitute in her office upon the simple representation of the Applicant; It should be understood by Agents; that no orders are to be given upon such statements, until corroborated by personal inspection made by herself or some other responsible person. As a general rule no orders should be given until a strict examination into the circumstances +c. |