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|When Received| Name & Rank of Writer| Date & Purport of Communication|

|Feb 26" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.|Higgs A.F. Lt & A.S.A.C. EB 2" Vol 191. O.L.S.D.C.'68 No 1501.|Charlottesville Va Feb'y 21" 1868.
States that Tom Ferrall (cold) has two children belonging to Henry Reaves. (cold) living on "H" bet 15 & 16" Sts Washington D.C. with Genl Freeman. Reaves has promised Terrell from month to month to send him money for the support of his children, which he Reaves has failed to do, Terrell is poor and asks that Reaves be brought to a sense of what is right in this matter.|

|Feby 26" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. Bradford P.C. LB 2" Vol #77. O.L.S.D.C.'68 No 1502.|Winthope [[Winthrop]] Me. Feb 17" 1868. Wishes a colored man accustomed to care of homes and cattle etc.|

|Feby 26" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.|Crofoot Mrs D.O. LB 2" Vol #78. O.L.S.D.C. No 1503.|Preble N.Y. Feb'y 21" 1868.
Wishes to employ two girls about twenty years of age. who has had some experience in house work.|


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|When Received| Name & Rank of Writer| Date & Purport of Communication|

|Feby 27" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.|Vogden George No 1504.|Selbyville. Md Feby 24" 1868.
States that a Miss [[Stall?]], has money and property belonging to him in her possession, and requests the assistance of the Commr to obtain the same. Endorses letter to Miss Stall and requests that the same may be forwarded to her &c.|

|Feb'y 28" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. No 1505.|Elridge Stuart A.A.A. Genl.|Washington D.C. Feb'y 28" 1868. Asst Comr directs that another lot of wood to the Amount of two cords, be sent to the 7th Ward S oup House, on the Island, with instructions to give it out only on orders of visiting Agents of that ward.|

|Feby 26" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.|Townsend E.G. Supt E.B. 2" Vol 189. 1868 No 1506.|Kendal Green Barracks Feb'y 25" 1868.
Submits report in case of Mary Hall (cold) of his camp- That early in the season he made a request for a blanket, for her, but before she had drawn it, fearing she might suffer he sent her one to her room as a loan.-
When she had chosen hers by his order- he allowed her to keep the one he sent, & gave hers (Marys) to another woman. Keeps constant & watchful care that the sick in the Bks do not suffer for food, fuel, or clothing.|