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[[Three Columns]]

When Received| Names & Rank of Writer| Date & Purpose of Communication
March 25 1868 O.L.S. D.C.  See File | Howard C H Asst Comr | Washington D.C. March 25" 1868.  No1585   Transmitted  3/26.68 | Informs Mrs J.S. Griffing that her appointment as agent of the Special Relief Comn will expire Apr 1" and with it the salary of $50p per month. 
States that the Commr expresses a desire that move be done in the matter of obtaining Employment for the freed people in Maryland and Virginia, where they can go without expense of transportation. 
Also that transportation will be provided for freed women with small children (if able bodied) to homes in the North. and for orphan children, for whom good homes have been procured. All applications to made through Office Local Supt. 
In order to carry on this employment business more effectively and efficiently, he will ask for her appointment as Special Agent. at  $100 00/100 per month, to late effect April 1" 1868. other Empt Agents to be discharged. 
That such cases of destitution (where suffering [[?]] &c.) she will report as heretofore, 
And further that no more material will be provided for manufacture in her Indtl School.

[[Three Columns]]

When Received| Names & Rank of Writer| Date & Purpose of Communication

March 25" 1868 O.L.S. D.C. No 1586. | Elridge Stuart A.A.A. Genl Transmitted 3/26'68  | Washington, D.C. March 25" 1868.
Is directed by the Ass't Comr to inform H.L. Smith, that this services as Agent of this Bureau, will be no longer required after April 25" 1868. and to express his thanks for the ability with which he has executed all business entrusted to him. 

Mch 26" 1868 O.L.S. D.C. No 1587 | Griffing J.S.Agt &c Transmitted to HdQrs 3/26 '68 EB2" Vol208.1868| Washington D.C. March 25" 1868. | | Submit names of destitute freedwomen who have large families of children depending on them for support, and who are in great need of food & fuel. States that two or three dollars per month during the summer will be sufficient to sustain them. Enders statement of Mrs E.H. Fote. of same nature. jc

March 25" 1868 O.L.S. D.C. No 1588.| Stone T.A. Supt in charge | Office Public Buildings Grants %c  Washington Mch 20" 1868.
In compliance with order of the Commissioner encloses a list of the colored men employed in his Department.