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When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication

April 6 "1868 O.L.S.D.C.| No 1618 | Griffin Mrs JS Agt B RF&c| Washington D.C April 6" 1868 
Requests one ration for Edward Spencer dependent & partially deranged freedman whose transportation has been furnished to Muskingham Ohio to go this evening, is now at 394 Nth Cap St. Also states that she furnished for Lucy Johnson food and expressage of Box, across N.Y, City to the value of $1.20; inquiries if provisions can be made for such expense when absolutely necessary for the transfer of the destitute.

April 6 "1868 O.L.S.D.C. No 1619 | Griffing J.S. Agent. | 
Washington D.C April 6" 1868 
States that among the six cases of suffering families-found needing assistance & that [[?]] [[?]] had been furnished for a short period - she again applies for help, stating that she has not recd any help from any other source, thinks there may be some mistake in deliveing- That all cases who were provided with help & not found Friday last, were left at her office to be forwarded with their names written on the Packages viz  Kitty Buckner, Caroline Lee, Alfred Books & Sarah Nailstaff.  
The cases of Mary Eastman and Ann Peck, reported-as having been delivered.

April 6 "1868 O.L.S.D.C. No 1619| Griffing JS Agent | Washington D.C April 6" 1868 
States that in accordance with institutions from Hd Qrs A C {?}" 1868 Miss EH Fote. (Visiting Agent) and herself have "personally investigated the circumstances of all applicants for relief applying at her office and in consideration of the same, requests information, as the necessity of theirs further "personally investigating" such calls recommended: as the same cases referred to, are again investigated by two additional agents & whether it will be sufficient to merely report all appointments for relief.

April 6 "1868 O.L.S.D.C.  No 1621 | Vandenburgh J.V.W. Local Supt DC. | Office Local Supt D.C. Washington April 4"1868 
Calls attention of his Hon the "Mayor of Washington" to the following cases of suffering Colored Women- who cannot be assisted by this Bureau Viz 
Mary Eastman Aged 72 yrs and Ann Puck. Aged 66 yrs 
States that these cases have been investigated and found worthy- & asks his early attention to the matter.