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Vol.2. No.661 A.C.D.C. 1867
Washington D.C. Jan 22/1867

Roberts J. L. 
Supt. &c

Makes application for admission to freedmens Home, for Daniel Reed, an aged freedman.
Residence H. St. bet So Capt. & N.J.AC Island.
MB1 Vol.114 O.L.S. No.258
Office Local Supt. D.C. 
Jan 23 1867
EB1 Vol 129 O.L.S.1867
Reply forwarded. 

Wm. Beebe Jr.
Lt. Col. 128th U.S.A.?
Local Supt. D.C.
Rec'd O.L.S. D.C. 1/23 1867

Bureau R. F. and A. L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commr. D.C.
Washington, Jany 24 1867

Respectfully returned to the Local Supt. D.C. who will send the within named freedman to the "Home". at Freedmen's Village, presenting this paper as an order for his admission thereto. 

By order of 
Bvt. Brig. Genl Howard
Wm. W. Rogers