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Of course we should require that she should be neat and cleanly in her habits & person, and would prefer one who is a church member. 

If you can send me such a servant, I would be glad to have her come as soon as possible. I have been for several years past, absent from home; and have not kept house.

Shall have full possession of my own house again on the first of April, and would like to have my house keeper here on or before that time.

The route will be to Baltimore, thence to Williamsport, thence to Erie Pa. and thence by the Lake Shore Road 20 mi. to Winfield N.Y. or, from Baltimore to Elmira, thence by the New York & Erie Road to Dunkirk, and thence by the Lake Shore Road 17 mi to Winfield, N.Y.

An early answer will oblige me.

Most respectfully yours &c.
Austin Smith