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Washington D.C. March 23d 1867.

Lt. Col. A. P. Ketchum,
Washington D.C

Dear Colonel:-
Allow me to solicit your kind considerations somewhat particularly to the case of the bearer "Henrietta Joyce" (Colored) who has been for some time past a Servant in my family and of whom I have much personal knowledge.

She is a hard working, honest & Industrious woman and has five small Children dependent upon her own exertions for support which in ordinary times she has been able to do without calling on benevolent individuals or Societies for aide, but I am personally knowing of her being in actual want of even the necessaries (not to say comforts of Life) for herself or Children, and it is for this reason I bespeak for her any aide you can in any way render her either officially or otherwise.

She can explain to you her present situation much better than I can in a brief note & I trust