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M 1 Vol 251. O.L.S. No.715
Washington Apr 29" 1867.

Howard C.H. 
Bvt. Brig Genl. & A.C.

States that he has been credibly informed that a freedwoman sent by Mrs Griffing to Albany to Myers & employed by Mrs Vanderlip had returned to this city stating that Mrs Griffing informed her that she could return at any time. Directs that Mrs Griffing be instructed not to encourage these people to return. but that it would be better to send their friends to join them north. Also that those who return to prevent them from receiving transportation the second time. 

EB 1 Vol 283. O.L. S. D.C. 1867,
Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington. Apr 29" 67

Respy referred to Mrs J.S. Griffing. Agent. for her information & guidance. The object for which employment offices were established cannot be subserved if people who are sent to homes at the North return to this District to become again dependent upon Gov't for support or assistance. 

W.M. Beebe Jr
Lt. Col. Local Sup't 

These papers to be returned 

Rec O.L.S. D.C. 4/29-1867.

EB 1 Vol 286. O.L.S. D.C. 1867.
Emp't Office 394. N. Cap. St.
Wash. DC. April. 29." 1867.

Respectfully returned to Col. W.M. Beebe, Jr. 

To the freed people going from this office I have explained that the object of transportation was to furnish them homes & employment 

In no case have I encouraged one to return. When asked if they could "get back" have told them that this did not interfere with their freedom — but if they returned, they would go back at their own expense — and must not expect further assistance from the Government. Have urged the friends of all who have gone to join their relatives North, instead of writing them to come here. 

Very Respectfully
J.S. Griffing
Agt. Bureau Ref. &c 

Transcription Notes:
4/10/2020 - I got as far as I could with this one, but I'm stuck on a good 1/3 of the words, spread throughout the text. I noted them with differing levels of [[?]]. This is my first attempt at transcribing text, I'm sure my eyes will get keener over time. Hopefully someone can pick it up from here. Thanks! -Russ I was able to read several of the words and provided that text.